Bessborough Cricket Club News story

November Update

17 Nov 2010

By Sherrick Chavda

AGM had been moved Wednesday 24th of November from the 17th of November. Please let Richard Ward email: or I know if you will be attending.

The AGM is your chance to voice your opinion and make it count and a chance to meet the committee and the people behind the scene who help to run Bessborough Cricket Club and a chance for you to actively come and support the Club and help it change for the better. The Club House will open at 7:30pm and meeting will commence at 8:00pm.

Adults Awards Night will be held on the 4th of December at the club. A 3 course Indian buffet will be served and the bar will be open all evening.

A cover charge of £10 will be payable at the door for the 3 course meal. Drinks will be available from the bar at the Club subsidised bar prices. Anyone not paying at the door will have to sign I.O.U. For £15 to cover the meal costs plus late payment administration fee of £5.

All I.O.U.s’ to be settled within 7 days there after to avoid a further admin fee. Wives, Girlfriends, Family and Friends are all most welcome and they too will be extended the subsidised bar charges and low cover charge of £10 for the meal.

Please support the club and make sure you attend. Ian Barrie is organising the evening his m
obile number is 07715 569 275 and email is

We would appreciate it if you can contact Ian, Raj or Manish to confirm if you are coming and how many tickets you will require.