Bessborough Cricket Club News story

100+ Club - December Draw

04 Jan 2016

By James Wheeler

The final 100+ Club draw was made by organiser and club legend John Taylor at the end of December and the result is as follows.

£30 No.177 Ross Boardley
£20 No.46 Adil Parker

This was the final draw of 2015. Everybody at the club would like to congratulate John Taylor on his amazing work on making this such a roaring success. £950 has been given out as prizes with a jackpot prize of £200 awarded at the Awards Night in November.

2015 Winners
December £30 Ross Boardley £20 Adil Parker
November £200 Paul Smith £100 Loz Horsley
October £30 Duncan West £20 Simon Heaney
September £30 Paul Smith £20 R.Baja
August £30 John West £20 Mrs T.Kiritharan
July £30 Alan Brown £20 Mrs D.Shah
June £100 Ian Ridley £50 Ishan Shah
May £30 Rohan Karkhanis £20 Lyn Worley
April £30 Anja Chavda £20 Loz Horsley
March £30 John Trowbridge £20 S.Patel
February £30 Lucy Foulds £20 Chris Hawes
January £30 Dipak Chavda £20 Chris Overson

With the 2015 competition completed, our 2016 draw begins at the end of this month. The '100+ Club' is open to all members, family and friends and there is no limit on how many entries you can have. Each entry costs £12 for the year, so for as little as £1 a month you are in with a chance of winning one of the two prizes of £30 and £20 that are available monthly. If like in 2015 we can get more than 100 entries, we were able to increase monthly prizes. 

The draw is made at the end of each month and the winners names are displayed on the club notice board and on the website. If you would like to join the 2016 competition could you please contact organiser and club legend John Taylor by Friday January 22nd to confirm your participation and arrange payment.Cheques can be posted directly to JT.

John Taylor
67 Headstone Lane
North Harrow